Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chapter 6 #K

Chapter 6 is all about using educational applications and computer websites so one of the tech tools 6.1 presents Portaportal, which is a data management utility that brings up key words in your lesson. This website helps you bookmark certain websites that would be useful for a lesson and also organizes your web browser. I like this website because it is free and very organized and useful all in one!
Tech tool 6.2 is also about bookmarking websites and applications. One social bookmarking that I am familiar with is Delicious ( This website is very useful and I am using it as a bookmarking tool for my web browser. Delicious is also free and easy to use, you can sort your book marks and add them to a Google account along with down loading it to your phone on the go! But if the Delicious account isn't for you then there are many other online bookmarking website out there.

Tech tool 6.3 is about web and app learning for students. Mostly literature is what is on these applications but that is still awesome! There is one website that is call Favorite Poem Project ( founded by Robert Pinsky. It is videos of students and teachers or anyone, reciting their favorite poems out loud in videos! Poems are all about flow and the way you can express the poems true meanings so I thought this was such a smart idea.

Worked Cited:
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved April 11th 2015. steveweb production. Retrieved on April 11th 2015. Robert Pinsky. Retrieved April 11th 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it fun when you read about something in your textbook that you already heard about and are using from earlier learning - it always helps to validate the concept. It looks like you tried Powtoon - but you should embed that creation in your blog rather than link it as it is more inviting for the reader.
