Friday, February 6, 2015

Blog #D chapter 5

In chapter five there is a lot of information for teachers for making online websites, sharing photos of a lesson and even books. There is a a photo website safe for teachers to use and share photos called Flickr ( This website demonstrates how to send photos that have been taken, teaches you how to maneuver through the site and organize photos so they don't look sloppy. I actually like this site because it is well organized itself, it proves that you can get connected with technology in steps. Flickr is also an app for your phone or tablet!

Which leads me into E-books and E-readers, today our society is very technology based, especially with children and teens. We see more and more kids with expensive tablets, phones, E-books, and E-readers, now this can't be a bad thing considering it helps with their literacy. An E-book is an Electronic books that can be read on the go, you can read magazines, books, newspapers, and more. The E-book also resembles an Ipad, Kindle, and Sony reader. All are used for reading, I think it is great that these have come about, because students can bring them to class or have them at home and get the benefit of learning and reading fluently.
Another good thing about technology for teachers, is being able to check plagiarism. This has helped keep other students and/or scholar's papers from being owned by someone else. Now some colleges have certain trusted sites where they can submit a students paper into a website and see if it has anything similar to another persons paper. It is truly amazing what technology has come to!  

  • Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Accessed February 6th 2015 
  • Marceau B. (2015, Feb. 6th) Plagiarism. Created by

1 comment:

  1. Ebooks do have some great advantages and you are right - if that is the way to get students to read, then there has to be something good about them! :) There are still many who prefer having a paper book to hold and turn pages, but I generally prefer ebooks myself.

    Flickr is a fantastic place to store photographs and to get photos that are Creative Commons licensed for digital projects. However, you need to be sure you provide attribution directly to the photographer and link to the photograph's page when using on the blogs, etc as described in the module page. Once you get in the habit of doing so, it becomes second nature and you will then avoid breaking the copyright law yourself!!
